Simple Steps to make your Developer Portfolio Live free of cost through gh-pages(GitHub).

Simple Way…

Prachi P
Aug 22, 2023
Sample Website uploaded on GitHub.

When you start looking for jobs in a developer role as a fresher, there is a 99% probability that the recruiter would like to see your developer portfolio, this portfolio will contain all your projects that you have done so far and other important details. If you want to impress the recruiter it’s better to keep your portfolio ready. The best way to do it is to do it without spending a single penny. Now other platforms allow you to launch your website there free of cost but here we will talk about Github pages, “gh-pages”. If you are a developer or even anyone from IT you know about GitHub already. So let’s directly jump into how to do it.

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Prachi P

A Frontend developer. Either I am coding the project or I am writing about code, life, poetry, etc.